Spring is finally here! Warmer and sunnier days are upon us! A season of new life is happening all around us. Easter, too, is a season of new life happening all around us. As we make the story of Easter, our story, we receive and expend ‘Resurrection Power’. God empowers us as we seek opportunities to enliven our life together within our faith community.
We also are empowered as we seek opportunities to reach out to others, connect and partner with others, to meet the needs of the wider community. We, along with other well meaning people, are able to bring new and renewed life to our community.
We know the ‘crisis’ that exists in the church these days. We bemoan shrinking church communities, dwindling human and financial resources, seemingly weakening commitment and devotion to the life and work of the church. However, ‘crisis’ need not be a bad thing. I am reminded that the Chinese word for ‘crisis’ uses two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis’. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity.
Yes, we live in a time when the church might seem like an endangered species; yet we can see it also as a time for opportunity. We can meet our challenges head on with positive, hopeful attitudes. Personally, I am excited for our church here in Central Saanich. New life is showing up in new people joining us. What a blessing that is! We have an opportunity to draw more people to our community as newcomers arrive in the many residential building projects now underway, with some being near completion.
We have opportunities to meet the needs of our neighbours as we redevelop our church buildings that will include space for meetings, events, programs, social gatherings, and many other uses. Consider our partnership with Almost Home Day Care. That has benefitted the church and has benefitted parents, children, and employees of the Day Care. We will have the opportunity to continue that relationship and possibly provide more space to them, should they desire it, as we move our offices and washrooms to the redeveloped sanctuary side of the property.
We face a challenging, yet exciting future – with many opportunities to expend ‘Resurrection Power’ amongst ourselves and to those in our community with whom we make connections. In this Easter season we proclaim “Hallelujah! Christ is Risen! Hallelujah! He is risen indeed!” We, too, as the church, arise by God’s power to new life so we might be bearers of new life to the world. May it be so. Amen.
Rev. Bob