Hello everyone,
I am letting you know that I returned from summer vacation on August 3rd rested and refreshed. I am ready and excited to once again share with all of you in the life and work of the church with the guidance and inspiration of our loving God.
I am thankful to those who offered worship leadership in my absence and, in particular, to Barbara Hansen who led worship on 3 Sundays in July and was available for urgent pastoral care.
Worship services in August will take place at St. Paul’s United Church – 2410 Malaview Ave. Sidney at 10:30 am. This will include a ‘Blessing of the Animals’ Service on August 21st in the St. Paul’s UC Hall. Bring your dear pets to receive a ‘blessing’ on that Sunday morning!
Please note that masks are recommended (not mandatory) during worship. Also, at St. Paul’s, worship is open to covid-19 vaccinated persons and also to unvaccinated persons.
Worship services will resume at Central Saanich United Church on September 4th. I encourage everyone to attend services during August at St. Paul’s. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet the good folks of St. Paul’s as we offer worship leadership during the Sabbatical Leave of their minister Rev. Suzanna Bates who is away until the end of August.
I do hope all of you are finding time to enjoy the beauty and warmth of the season, as well as taking the opportunity to experience what summer has to offer such as being in the great outdoors, visits with family and friends, and other summertime pursuits.
God’s blessing be with you, and with us all in our common life together within the church.
Rev. Bob
Below are a compilation of photos over the past few months. We were blessed to have a wonderful assortment of guest speakers and varied services here at Central Saanich United Church.
From the Baptism Service of Emma Piper-Cuevas
Our very popular music service returned on June 15. This year's selection featured The Beatles
Our Outreach Committee was very supportive of donating our leftover tomatoe plants and dalhia tubers (from our annual plant sale) to the Central Saanich Community Gardens. Here is Helen Wright with fellow gardener, Sander.
Suzanne Jackson was our Guest Speaker for Indigenous People's Day June 19.
From Barbara Erickson: Reem is saying a big THANK YOU to the kind and generous people at Central Saanich United Church who helped support her through Grade 11 pre calculus Math. Your donations for her Tutoring Teacher were so appreciated! She has written her final exam and, after many weeks of Tutoring classes, she went into the final exam with a 90% average. Brava Reem.
From the Baptism Service of Rev. Bob's grandson, Leo William Minoletti on July 3rd.
We were delighted to have visitors from St. Paul's United join us on July 10.
Many thanks for everyone's contributions and ensuring that the generosity and good times continue here at Central Saanich United Church.