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The walk is a family friendly walk to raise money for Our Place Society to support people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. 

Date: Feb 22, 2025 

Start location Central Saanich United Church - Gather at the church at 3:45    
Start time of the walk 4 pm The walk starts at Central Saanich United Church, and we walk along East Saanich Road to Saanichton, we then turn left and walk up Mount Newton to the Town Hall. We turn left again at the Town Hall and walk along the West side of Wallace until Cultra Ave. We turn left on Cultra Ave and pass St. Mary’s Anglican Church. From St. Mary’s we then walk back along East Saanich Rd until we once again arrive at Central Saanich United Church. 

How can you help out -


  • Please invite others to join our walk 
  • Please select to join our Central Saanich United Church Team 
  • If you are able to raise over $150.00 you are eligible for prizes 

You can make a donation. 

Donations can be made to and click on the donate button. You can select to donate to our team, or any person registered to do the walk.