January 4, 2022
To all of our Members and to the wider Community,
Following the recommendation of the Pacific Mountain Region of the United Church of Canada, worship at Central Saanich United Church will be suspended until further notice.
Given the present concern over the Omicron COVID variant, it’s ease of transmission, and the uptake in hospitalizations, we wish to ensure the safety of everyone. Hopefully as folks get their booster shots and numbers of new and active cases are reduced, we can resume in person worship and rental of our facilities. For now, our Sunday services will be livestreamed on our website, which can be found at www.centralsaanichunited.ca
If you have any Pastoral Concerns, please contact Rev. Bob Gilbert (250) 686-5695 or by email ministerscbbuc@shaw.ca The Office will be open regular hours, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-2. For further information or concerns, please contact Lissa Zala, Chair of Council.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. Stay well, and we look forward to opening our doors soon.
Blessings to you All, Rev. Bob