The Heartbeat of our Life Together

Special events throughout the liturgical year require some preparation, so committee members prepare for such occasions as our very special Christmas Eve and the Easter services. As well, they assist the minister in planning themes for regular services and see that appropriate decorations are provided.

Members of this group also help coordinate music selections, and those who are technically inclined look after the projector and sound system during services and other events.



Making a difference in our community and our planet

The "Outreach Committee" is a biggy! This is the committee that coordinates the congregation's outreach activities in the local community....and beyond.

Some of what they do. . .

- support the United Church's Mission and Service Fund

- send delegates to events such as the Reconciliation Dialogue Circle in Vancouver

- sponsor community information evenings such the Canadian Company of Pilgrims re Camino in Spain

- support for two Syrian families this year (through the interchurch group RAPID)

- intitiate the Stelly's First Nations Art Project

- sponsor a weekly coffee and nutrition time to support the Culinary Arts program at Stelly's High School (food prepared by the students)

- oversee the collection of clothing for Our Place and donations for the Sidney Food Bank

- soup for monthly lunches at the Tsawout First Nation

- sponsorship of 2-Spectrum Fellowship meetings

- monthly Food 'n Fun potluck suppers in our church hall - relaxing time for friends and neighbours!

- coordination of contributions to the Soup Suppers at UVic Interfaith Chapel twice yearly

- annual community Christmas Caroling evening and an annual Blue Christmas service

- support for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank   

Pastoral Care
Looking after one another

We keep in touch with members of all ages, but especially those who are sick, homebound, bereaved or facing various other life issues.  The Friendship Tea, held once a month, is especially appreciated by seniors.

(They also help plan events that bring both old and young together for recreation and/or entertainment, such as the once-a-month Food 'n' Fun - the time  we share a pot luck supper, some singing and/or enjoy a movie.)

Affirming Committee
Seeking to affirm and respect others, regardless of orientation, identity, race, age, gender.

This committee is currently engaged in coordinating various activities that support the Affirming  process.  This has involved sharing various personal stories, videos, marching in the Pride Parade.  Upcoming speakers and movies will cover LGBTQ2I information, LGBTQ relationships, and racial diversity.  Your ideas and suggestions are welcome.

You are also welcome to attend our monthly Queer Potluck and Games Nights. 

Council & Executive
"Keepers of the Vision"

These people provide direction and accountability for the congregation.  The "Four Pillars" document tells more about our vision for the church and our region.  Finance, Property, Staffing, Ministry Profile and Search Committee, etc, all report to this governing group. 

Our Council Executive is made up of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Past Chair and 3 members at large.  Other committees and reps include:  Trustees, Ministry and Personnel, Finance, Mission and Service, Regional Rep, Worship, United Church Women, Faith Formation, Outreach, Pastoral Care, Affirming, and Property.